There was a tricky time after we got the trailer and before we left on our sabbatical.  We had measured carefully and deduced that it would fit in our garage… just… if we took out all the built in shelves.  So, a few weekends before the little red trailer’s arrival, we scheduled some good weather and did a big clear-out.

We loved doing this.  If you’re the kind of person who loves small spaces, then you are, sort of by definition (or sanity) the kind of person who enjoys a hearty round of getting rid of things.  When we had the big house, there was always some yard project, and we’d say that it wasn’t spring till we’d busted some concrete.  Now with our little condo, we say the seasons can’t change until we’ve had a weekend of getting rid of stuff.

IMG_7974So, the garage was duly cleared, and a short time later we put the theory to the test.  We’d left a good number of daylight hours to accomplish the task.  The issue, we knew, would not be the walls, but all the extra parts and pieces that make a garage door function.

Thinking about a little trailer of your own?  Next time you are in your empty garage, have a good look.  See that bar that helps the garage door open and close?  That’s the clincher.  Measure your garage door opening, for sure – but don’t forget that pesky, unavoidable, low-hanging bar that can take out a trailer top in a split second.  After much effort, lowering of cranks, standing on stools, and testing with tape measures, we were able to maneuver the trailer around all of various garage components, get it inside, and close the garage door without any scraping.

The little red trailer fit.  Just.

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